My baby just isn’t a good sleeper….

“My baby just hasn’t ever been a good sleeper.” 😴 We hear this pretty often, and while it is normal for baby’s to want or need their mama and daddy at night to some extent, sometimes bigger sleep issues can come from stress within your little one’s nervous system! 👶🏼
This stress can make it difficult for baby to get comfortable at night, make nursing uncomfortable for baby when it’s time for a night feeding, or even just cause your little one’s brain to be in overdrive when he/she is trying to get some rest! 😬
At intun ChiroCare, helping babies is such a joy for us! We have special techniques for gently calming any stress in their little bodies, and making sure that their nervous system is regulating their sleep cycles with ease! 👏🏻
If you’re a Sheboygan mama or daddy that’s ready for the whole family to sleep better, we would love to see you in our office!


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