Kicking chronic fatigue to the curb…

Kicking Chronic Fatigue to the Curb

Do you struggle with feeling exhausted all of the time? This could be a sign that your nervous system is working in overdrive. When we experience immense amounts of stress for long periods of time, our body believes that it’s in imminent danger, and shifts your nervous system into sympathetic mode. This is your fight, flight, freeze mechanism, which is absolutely necessary when you actually are in peril.

However, if your body gets STUCK in this stress pattern, the nervous system shifts all of its energy into solely surviving, which leaves you feeling depleted and unable to fully function properly.

To break this stress pattern, it is vital to activate the parasympathetic part of your nervous system that allows you to rest, digest, and heal! Chiropractic care is an excellent tool to help get your body OUT of fight/flight/freeze mode, and restore balance to the nervous system!

If you have been struggling with chronic fatigue, we are here to help you gain back your life! You deserve to have energy for the things that you love and to feel good day in, and day out. Call our office to schedule your appointment, and get back to feeling like YOU!


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