Is your kiddo just being a kid…

Is your kiddo “just being a kid”? Or, could there be something deeper going on with their neurology? If these are thoughts that you’ve had as a parent, you are not alone. We have parents that come into our office that are walking through the exact same scenario all the time.

If your child has struggled with:

-Regulating emotions

-Calm behavior


-Trouble concentrating

-Difficulty with sitting still in class

If so, it may be possible that their nervous system is stuck in a sympathetic state, or what is commonly referred to as fight or flight mode. While the sympathetic part of your nervous system is useful when there is a perceived threat or acute stress, your body is not meant to stay in this state for long periods of time.

One of the best ways to get your child’s nervous system back into a peaceful + healing state (parasympathetic mode) is though chiropractic care. We are expertly trained in pediatric chiropractic care, which looks MUCH different than when you see an adult get adjusted by a chiropractor.

It’s a gentle, effective, and natural way to allow your child to unlock their fullest potential, so they can function at their absolute best!


Getting to the bottom of back pain…


Healing from negative emotions…